Wednesday, September 3, 2008

In the fast lane...

I think I am in the fast lane on those 6 and 8 lane highways. You know, the ones that are designated for the car poolers. They get to go faster than everyone else alone in their cars.

I originally thought I would get to blog at least weekly. What happened to the weeks? It seems like only days and I'm flipping the calendar. And now we haven't just flipped to another month, we have flipped into the next season! Oh my!

There are positives to all of this. I don't have trouble sleeping, and I am fine with the early to bed thing. I'm not bored, there is always a "to do" pile, life is definately not dull. Life is exciting. New places, new things. Like the great visit we had with friends last week. We actually were experiencing a dream come true in their lives, building a new home! And next week, I'm off to Colorado Springs to spend a few days worshiping and hosting the Lord's Presence with Dutch Sheets and others from around the nation. Bored no, living an adventure, YES!

I've said over and over I don't want to be a senior citizen living in Florida waiting every day in the buffet lines. So I guess God took me up on it! No Florida, no waiting, no buffet lines (well, maybe one or two once and awhile). I'm fine with it really. Because I'm getting to see God. I'm getting to live in the Kingdom. Now. Today. Here. Life goes on in the Kingdom (remember, they don't sleep). Could that be why we are so busy our waking hours? My grandpa use to say, "you can rest when you die". There are a lot of things old people said when I was little that I don't think were right. I don't think they meant any harm. Like sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. Oh, how wrong that is. I had names plastered into the walls of my life, layer upon layer. And they hurt. They hurt me, they hurt my kids, they hurt others.

I'm glad I've been given a new name. It has wiped away all other names. It has freed me and freed others too. I've learned the voice of Truth. His words are kind and gentle. They pick me up. They clear away the dust & grime and cleanse me. This name sets me on a path of destiny!

I pray today that in the fast lane of life, you will hear His name for you. That wherever you are headed, it will be purposeful and a great adventure. If you haven't heard your name from the voice of Truth, I pray that you will step aside for a little. Take a rest. Find a quiet place and listen.....


Livin' Life said...

You're definately in the fast lane so much so us young girls can't keep up with you. But that's not a bad thing. You keep truckin.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear how much fun you're having! Be sure to keep us posted. :)