Wednesday, December 24, 2008

...and there was no room for him in the inn

I've watched "The Nativity Story" several times in the last two weeks. I've been struck by a line in the movie where Mary is in labor on the donkey and Joseph is trying to find a place for her to bring forth the child. She simply prays, "Lord, will thou not provide a place for us? At that moment, the innkeeper gives the only place he has, the stable, to them.

I've pondered this. In the stable, they were alone, to behold the wonder of the birth of the Messiah. There was no interruption, no babling, no advice, no arguing, no fingerpointing, no world. It was Mary and Joseph, and perhaps a choir of angels and the Father beholding, beholding Himself as a babe! Oh the quiet wonder of the moment, of the night, because there was no room in the inn. Perhaps even before His first breath, He was saving, saving the moment for those who would bear the greatest sacrifice of all!

So in my heart I am feeling that Mary's prayer was perfectly answered. He kept the moment for them alone. No hustle in the inn, no celebration. A silent night, a holy night......

If it seems like the Lord has forgotten you and hasn't heard your prayer, perhaps you should look again. He may have chosen to still everything else to be with you alone. I urge you to behold Him, wonder silently, alone.....

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